Translate   11 years ago

Wtf Constantly hearing about people who are battling cancer, people that have their lives turned upside down with severe injuries, those who's turn it for #life to end. You never think it will happen to you or anyone you know, But it isn't until the penny drops, that you realize at any point and any moment, that could be you lay on the hospital bed! You then start to realize that you need to start being more grateful for the full and healthy #life you lead and take for granted. That problem you thought was so big, isn't really big at all compared to the problems millions of people face everyday! Never really understood when people older than me used to tell me #life is so precious, but I'm slowly realizing as I find myself on my journey, that #life is so short and it shouldn't be wasted being hung up on stupid things and being selfish. Instead it should be filled with happiness and wonderful memories. It should be filled with love and laughter. So from now on, every time I shed a tear, I'm going to ask myself 'is this a necessary tear?'. I think not. xoxo

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