Tradurre   11 anni fa

"No! That's where you're wrong! You never loved me!" I screamed, clenching my fists and kicking a wooden chair out of my path. "Of course I loved you. I still do," he soothed. He tried to put his hand on my shoulder but I pulled away. "Shut up! I hate you!" I shouted, my anger turning to pain. I felt small salty tears make a trail down the side of my pale face. "Please! Let me have a second chance. What did I do wrong?" He asked, replacing the chair into its original position. "What did I? What did I even do wrong?" I spat, mocking him. He blushed and shielded his head. He saw it coming. My ghostly white, long, thin fingers almost collided with his tanned cheek. But he blocked me. "Answer me then!" He bellowed. Behind his eyes were two fires. Hissing and crackling. "I saw you! You. You. You cheated on me!" I whispered. His face changed. A smile formed. He opened his mouth to speak. To defend himself. But I stopped him. My porcelain hand slapped his cheek, leaving a nasty red mark. He jumped back. My long fringe hung over my eyes, covering my smudged mascara. "I hugged her! Seriously? She was ill so, to comfort her, I hugged her. Alex, please," he begged. Tears formed in his eyes and I saw him put his head in his hands. "No, ok. No. She was ill?! Lies!" I walked over to the kitchen table. His mothers finest china set was sat there. Along with our, now, cold pizza and coke. His big folder of college work was left, untouched from the day before. I noisily pushed everything off. The noise was catastrophic. I looked down. His papers were covered in coke and pizza. His mothers things were smashed. I felt a surge of pain rush through my body. I looked at my hand, the source of the pain, and wept. A piece of the teapot had got stuck in my palm. Blood was dripping, staining my new Vans and trickling down my wrist. Ollie jumped up. I spun round so we were face to face. He reached out and grabbed my shoulder. This time I just screamed...

  • Mi piace
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  • HaHa
  • Wow
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