Shut Out Shut out the voices The screams of the dead The pictures the memories Fill you with dread. Shut out the fear The hunger The pain So maybe someday you may be happy again. Shut out the confusion The loss The hurt Shut out the memories The touch of red dirt Shut out the faces Cruel and sad Forget the fences The shaved scratchy heads Shut out the stripes White and blue To a young child they look like pajamas,they do. Shut out the smells The smell of the smoke The ash in your hair and the feces on your clothes. And the piles of bodies in un ending rows. Shut out the memories Crisp and vivid The pictures that hurt. The faces you once held dear. Shut it all out So that maybe someday Yes, maybe someday you can be happy again. (Inspired by the Holocaust, we're learning about it in school)
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