Translate   11 years ago

Before and After Ouran Chapter 1 Both Hikaru and Kaoru were popular with the ladies. Kaoru was nice to them and treated them fairly, unlike the latter teenager, who played tricks on them and tormented their hearts. Kaoru had just finished his math work when the bell rang for lunch. “Alright.” called his teacher. “Off you go. Don’t forget to turn in the work sheet on the way out.” Kaoru neatly put his things together and headed towards the front of the room, along with his classmates. He put his math sheet on the teacher’s desk and politely waved at her before exiting the classroom. Then he quickly went to his locker and put his books away before grabbing his things for lunch and heading towards the designated area. The fashion design company Kaoru’s mother owned and ran wasn’t as big as most of the other companies, whose owner’s sons and daughters went to school here, but he was still somewhat rich. He liked to bring his own lunch all the same however. The cafeteria ladies back in New Orleans couldn’t exactly cook (no offense to anyone who does live in New Orleans and is reading this!) so the food in his old school looked like slop most of the time, leading to the years of bagged lunches. Home cooked food always tasted best in his mind. Kaoru sat down at a random table and began to unpack his lunch. He was alone at the moment; he’d only moved here recently and hadn’t actually made any friends yet. Out of the corner of his eyes he saw a blonde-headed student come up to him. He appeared about a year older than him, a 2nd year of Junior High maybe. The boy set his tray down across from Kaoru and sat down. “Hello! I’m Tamaki Suoh!” announced the boy, grinning. Kaoru smiled back. “Hello. I’m Kaoru Hitachiin.” “So I have this really cool idea for a club next year and I was wondering if you wanted to be in it with me and a few others.” said Tamaki. A club? He barely knew the guy! Why would he ask to start a club with him? Still….it wouldn’t be very nice to simply decline without thinking about it. “Ummm sure, I guess. What is the club about?” Kaoru inquired. “Oh! It’s going to be a host club!” “A host club?” This was starting to sound a bit interesting. ‘I wonder what a host club is?’ he thought to himself. “Yeah!” “It sounds….exciting. I’ll join.” “Awesome! So far I have Kyoya Ootori, Takashi Morinozuka, Mitsukuni Honinozuka…….” Tamaki began rambling off about the club. Kaoru sat there, listening quietly. Was the Japanese culture always like this? (Me: Yes. Brooke: (same time) No. My friend Shauna: Get back to the story! I swear you guys have ADD… Me: Says the girl obsessed with stickers. Shauna: Hey! Brooke: Will you both shut up? I wanna know how it ends! Us: Sowwii) Kaoru spent the rest of lunch with his new friend, talking about the club and other random things. He loved the idea of a host club and couldn’t wait to put the idea together, once he and the other members were all in high school of course. What he didn’t realize however, was just how much his #life would flip upside-down, zigzag, sideways, vertical, and anyway in-between, when the club actually started a year later. A/N: So this is my part of the book I’m writing with my friends and I must say; I feel pretty proud of it. And yes, the little part near the end where Brooke, one of my other friends and I interrupted, will probably happen various times throughout the story. Hopefully there’s not too much of a difference between our 3 writing styles but you never know. Hope you enjoyed~!

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