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Facebook/Society Rant Ive just seen a photo on Facebook saying: "like if you love your mum, ignore if you don't care. This is ridiculous and stupid. Yes I love my mum, but I don't have to like some stupid photo on Facebook to prove it. Even worse are the posts that show a bald child lying in a hospital bed with the caption: "like if you wish cancer never existed, ignore if you don't have a heart". Also, the pictures of malnourished African children with a message saying something like: "one million likes will feed these children for a #lifetime, if you ignore this you are evil". It makes me sick. It's just a pathetic attempt to get 'likes' out of people's guilt that they might feel for ignoring it. Whoever posts these appalling photos should be ashamed of themselves. Sorry everyone, I just had to get that off my chest. /George",Blog 172993,Yellow Brick Road Saturdays,41418,2013-03-25 14:29:52,post,draft,Hello fellow Opussians! I have decided to make a challenge. Let me give you a little tour of the planning....

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