The Modern 'Belle Dame Sans Merci' A lady, a beautiful lady, With eyes a stunning blue Her hair, it tumbled, down her back, A heart rendering good hue. She walked over to my table, A fairy princess - real? She followed my every movement, With her eyes of teal. I offered to take her home, Apologised for my poor ride, Still she hadn't spoken, Or even left my side We got into the car And she finally opened her mouth. Her voice sounded like... Summer And she looked towards the south "I hope you enjoyed your #life" It took a while to sink I gasp as she smiles And took out a knife in a blink "Any last words?" She asks I ask her who she is "La Belle Dame Sans Merci Is that all from your quiz?" "What do you want with me?" I ask her with wide eyes "I am going to kill you. I'm a faery" she replies "Not the fairy you know I am not sugar and spice I live on sorrow and death Not what you'd call 'nice.'" With that she slits my throat And or my last sound I hear 'I am the modern Belle Dame sans Merci!"
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