GRISLY MANOR TWILIGHT PART 1 10YEARS LATER CHAPTER 1 Now it was time to say bye to Both of us now best friends gone now crystal was moving to folks with her dad ruby was sad very very sad she does not want her to leave but she has no chance now to persuade her parents to not split up and go to live with her dad but they might have a tiny chance of seeing each other again CHAPTER 2 MOVING TO FOLKS This was going to be hard for ruby and 10 times harder for crystal she now has to say her goodbyes "I..t....s....g...oin..g t..o b...e h..a...r..d o..k" I know but you can make new friends at your new school can't you ? Yes but not having you around is stressful. CHAPTER3 IN FOLKS Crystal did not know anyone here but she knew one Jacob black .she knew him because she used to come to summer in this house she was going to live CHAPTER4 REALLY REALLY UNEXPECTED A guy that looked very pale was sitting next to crystal and they had a spark "Hi I'm Edward cullin " "I'm crystal swan " "Nice name" "Thanks" They suddenly they became friends just like ruby said you can make new friends at your new school can't you. Anyway Edward had something to say to crystal CHAPTER5 The epic vampire telling!!!! Crystal I'm a VAMPIER a TWILIGHT vampire .WOW!! Are you? Yes so I can show you what we do if you want Tomorrow I'm tierd CHAPTER6 Crystal and Edward fell in love and crystal wanted to be immortal Edward can I tell you something my name is Isabella swan but people call me Bella I don't get called Bella just crystal CHAPTER7 James ,Victoria and Verant All of the cullins were in the meadows in a thunder storm playing ......Baseball until theses 3 bad vampires came and played aswell "looks like you brought a midday snack CHATER8 bite ,by James Bella got bit by James and Edward sucked the venom out and had a tiny bit of blood The end GM T NEW MOON P1

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