GRISLY MANOR THE SECRET PART 1 CHAPTER 1 When crystal and ruby got stuck in GRISLY MANOR they did not think that the map was real on not but when they saw all the rooms they said that it is real they started to look around they both saw a ghost ! OMG the ghost of the 13 century CHAPTER2 A vampire came out and fell in love with ruby but she was not interested she was interested in trying to get out They were trying to find a trap door I'm sure I saw a trap door outside and I just can't find it try the map ruby do you really think a trapdoor will be on a map? I don't know well if find a blower ? We won't find a blower here it's a 1234 house CHAPTER3 They could not find a blower but however until they found the key to escape they were dancing with joy They got out and they found home GM TWILIGHT

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