Translate   11 years ago

Troubles Of The Moon, 1 The night was cold ! I pulled my jacket tight round me as I left Karl's house, the icy winter wind whipped around me blowing my hair up into my face as my already numb fingers fumbled for my car keys. "Bye, see you tomorrow." I called as I waved. "Yup see you tomorrow," he replied as he closed the door behind me quickly to keep the warmth in. Me and Karl had been friends de almost a year now since I started work at the garage part time. Even tho it was only a year me and Karl had become really good friends and he was always there when I needed help the most, and at the moment I really needed a good friend! We had just enjoyed a nice night of home cooked chillie and video games, Karl had once trained as a chef and I was defiantly putting his skills to good use. The hot chillie, cheese and nachos had gone down well with the prince of Persia film... To be honest it was nice to have someone cook for me. I had been living on my own now for about half a year and well I can easily say I can't cook at all! Most definitely a case of cant cook, won't cook! Welllll....I wouldn't want to give myself food poisoning would I? So me and Karl had enjoyed a nice few hours of chilling out playing fall out on Karl's new PS3 when I had a text from my friend Tom............I'm in town, are you passing? I really need a lift home........ So as the good friend that I am I decided at 12:30am it was time to head off home and get Tom on the way. So here I am leaving Karl's. I head off to my car, I can just about make it out as I head off down the narrow streets of the tiny old village. I see his shiny blue metal body, glinting in the orange flickery street lights. All the old buildings so close to each other they seem to make a tunnel. I loved this village but it was defiantly creepy at times! Once sat in my car I removed my coat and plugged in my iPhone ready fior the journey home, I only lived a few villages over but the many hills and valleys of the Lake District didn't make it a very quick journey. I choose my favourite band, Bastille, to listen too on the way home and set off! If only I knew how my #life was going to change that night! It was a clear night and a full#mooncould been seen high in the sky. It glistened beautiful on the ripperling water of the icy cold lake as it lapped slowly against the pebble shore. I quickly passed the beautiful picturesque lake and headed toward more narrow windy roads. I wasn't the best driver, I had already managed to crash two cars this year on similar road! I drove carefully round the narrown roads surrounded on each side by winter bitten naked tree, the leaves gone for the winter, they cast creepy shadows on the road back lit by the bright white moon. Before long the road opened up a little wider, I put my foot down and sped up into the distance, I loved this bit of road, it was not only beautiful with the snow capped mountains in the background, but it was a nice wide road with a nice fun curve to drive. The large saucer#moonshone right in front of me, it was so beautiful, I moved my hand over the passenger seat to find my phone. The road was empty and it was late, it would be okay a photo I thought. Damn my phone had fallen onto the floor in the passenger footwell. My car was so messy! I must remember to clean it at the weekend I thought. "There it is," I saw it glowing on the floor and ducked town quickly to grab it. iPhone now in hand I pulled myself back up to the steering wheel .... OMG!!!! I let out a blood curling cry! As I hit a someone in the road! My car hurtled off the road, it all happened so quickly! I felt the car skid sideways over rough gravel as I lost control hitting my head hard on the door panel! The car seemed to spin forever as it hit boulder after boulder and finally stopping in a large fur tree, the windscreen shattered into a thousand pieces as a branch went three it narrowly missing my head! I could feel a warm sticky liquid slowly make its way down my face and threw my hair, my eyes began to fog and I became very dizzy and sick. I tried to get out in my confused state but I was we'll and truly trapped! The branch had crashed threw the window and lodged itself tight against the plastic dashboard that was crumpled around me and my drivers door was literally bent to gape of my body! WHAT ABOUT THE PERSON I HIT! I suddenly thought, I turned my head to where they were lay, I could bearly see threw the haze! I could feel my self growing weaker and weaker and getting colder, my eyes began to close as the darkness took over. I turned to take one last look at the poor person I hit, "I'm sorry...." I whispered before darkness slowly took over .... "For what...? " I'm sure I herd before I felt a sharp stabbing in top of my shoulder and finally darkness fell.....

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