Black Soul He was there,but he wasn't , I knew this was the end,I knew I was going to die and yet I wasn't scared or trying to run but instead I slowly floated toward the hooded man,almost as if I were encouraging him to kill me "go on do it,I dare you" but instead of doing it he just came out of the shadows to reveal the big black hollow spaces were the creatures eyes were replaced. I knew I was in over my head, when you see a man with no eyes and a knife the size of... Well ok it isn't that big but still it's a knife right no matter what size it is it's still gonna cut you, I ran or well at least I tried to but it was like my legs were in a bad mood with me or something because eye they wouldn't move and that exactly when you know it's time to wake up and forget this god awful dream, exept I couldn't,not me oh anyone els sure forget it go live your #life like you have tomorrow and the next day, but me I couldn't forget I would never forget. You see for me my dream would become my reality, I didn't know where or when I just knew it would happen, it is a gift or a curse well I would go with curse, I have had it for as long as I can remember. I knew this man was coming for me I don't know if I was going to survive or not, Oh I'm totally forgetting my manners hi I'm Lucy and I'm locked inside an insane Islam because well "I'm insane" or so they tell me.

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