Translate   11 years ago

Segment "Why do they call him Quake?" The young woman asked as the 'thing' with no face walked past her to sit down. "He calls himself that, he says its because he destroys everything he comes into contact with" said one of the professors that sat by the long desk overlooking the mountain peak, through clear glass. Jesse looked at the 'thing' well, thats all she could think of calling him, his face, if he had a face, was covered by a plated glass helmet covering his eyes, and an all black neck scarf to cover his mouth and ears. No sign of of skin showed under the helmet, jesse stared bleakly at him, trying to see through the metallic exterior to find something even remotely humane. " i wouldn't stare if i was you, he doesn't like it" spoke the same professor. Jesse quickly diverted her eyes to the ceiling then the floor, making sure that she didn't make eye contact, well, that would only be possible if she could actually see his eyes.

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