10+ Or This Won't Make Sense One day a mis-interpreted little gnome knocked on my crooked bedroom door. I, of course, didn't know that it would be a gnome atall, I thought it was just auntie Jane bringing me up some breakfast, or baby lily wanting to play. But no. No one normal. No everything was unusual around here, it had to be, just to make me feel normal like the other girls at school. Maria would always make fun of me when I say about believing in the tooth fairy and the easter bunny. She says " oh poor little kadii, must have nothing better to do. All of the little fairies must love you. How sweet. Have you decided to start playing with lily in her little fairy cot, now have you?" She says, in a joking kind of way. She sooooooo gets on my bloody nerves. So I say " what's the point, I'm eleven. My garden is full of tiny little fluttering fairies, mushrooms, toadstools and the worst bit is, it never rains! It is always hot and sunny, might as well live in Hawaii! You won't make me cry, Maria. And definitely not when something is real! Just bug off, and your big fat gob can go to!" She 'always' replies " okay! Okay! Drop the attitude! I don't want it!" I decided to ignore the little gnome at my door. I locked the windows, although it gets really hot in my room sometimes, locked the doors and pulled the blinds. I shouted go away, so loudly that the neighbours must of thought there was and earth quake!
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