Back Not written anything in a while, So I come back with a smile, Good intentions I bring, While I try and write this thing. Here we go, Ill try and show, What I can give, About what I know, I woke up early today, 6:54am to be exact, Sent a "morning" message to my girlfriend, Even though she was asleep I knew for a fact. I then flicked onto Facebook, To have a quick look, I found nothing on there, Nothing I liked or could share. Which then lead me to here, Not been on for ages, I read one be leelee, As I flicked through the pages. I must say, Hats off my friend, There is no way, I'm smart enough to send, A #poem like that, The rhymes blew me away, Intelligent things you had to say, But I must make a confession, Half the things you said I had no idea what they meant i think i managed to read them right no way I could of used them in the same context you did ....hmmm ession. Then I fell asleep, And had a strange dream, My teeth were falling out, But at the time it didn't seem, Weird at all, It's like I knew they would fall, Out of my mouth, And into a pool, Of blood in the sink, With the walls being pink, Then I woke up, That was weird it left me to think. The time was 10:45, I had 5 messages on my phone, I heard no one in my house, I was home alone.... I like that film Makes me laugh, With the cardboard cut outs, Of the guy in the bath, And when he plays that tape, To the pizza boy at the door, Giving him a countdown, Then he jumps to the floor. Anyway I feel I've gone off track, So let me try and make my way back. I've come back on opuss, And somehow got more, People following my stuff, Well that's what I think I saw. So I wanna say, Thank you today, For you who may, Find me good, Or find me cool, Just read my stuff, Or can't find me at all. But I know your still there
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