I Wish I Could Fly My name is pearla-rose, pearla-rose posh is my full name. I live on the fanciest farm you could ever imagine - although there is one thing I have never been able to have, and I would love to have that ability more than anything else! - with my mum, shieba posh, my dad, Chester posh, my two brothers jet and Jackson posh, my little sister missie posh and my best friend milo Francis - ovary. Lets face it, i have a big family, with really big names, with really big desires and needs, with really big opportunities before us. I have an endless list of things I would want, but the thing that I love most on my list would be to be able to fly. I can just picture it on the news: the first flying micropig, pearla - rose posh, with the help of her two brothers jet and Jackson posh, and the well earned cheer of baby missie. Yet another world record breaker. That would be it. My name, in lights. Everyone would freeze, star at my name tag, and shine beyond the stars, I would be worth a fortune in the future. Oh and did I mention my little flying cow friend, who inspired me to fly, fantasy Marie - Charlotte may. That was a full name not just first and last if you were wondering. She has always been able to help me with whatever I want, so off I went to visit fantasy and her mother Florence may. Florence would always lend a helping hand, whenever it was needed. Jet and Jackson came with me, they were twins both black with one white patch around their eyes. So they both came with me, I could never tell the difference, although, personality was different. As I strolled past the chicken coop on my way to fantasy's barn, clucker scoop spread some good news to me. She said that the chick waiting to hatch out of the egg had come! His name was keikemamake scoop, meaning: a desired one. Hawaii scoop, the mother of keikemamake was so pleased with her birth of him. Clucker was pleased too. Clucker laid his baby chick on the hay in the coop, and in came Hawaii, strutting her mother-like stuff. Best be on my way, I am going to learn how to fly! I told them. Clucker told me that I must try my hardest, just because fantasy can do it, ever heard of the saying the cow jumped over the moon. He said to me. Keikemamake clucked the loudest he could to say goodbye to me. I adored it. I ran over to fantasy's barn, and there she was, gazing around and eating grass with her mum Florence. I heard Florence say something like this, fantasy Marie-charlotte may, how dare you talk about keikemamake that way, he's a desired one, just because he is half Jamaican half Hawaiian! Go to your barn right now! Good gracious! Never thought I would have to do this to ou at the age of seven, goodness me!

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