Vertalen   12 jaren geleden

Chapter Two- Interrogation Chapter Two Once we arrived at the police station, David cuffed my hands to a table in a dark and dingy room. I was already seated when a man who I supposed to be the Lestrade I've heard so much about came into the room. I was on one side of the room, and the officer and detective were on the opposite side of the table. I knew that any second the interrogation would begin, and everything would suddenly become more serious than it was earlier. Honestly, I thought that as soon as I was found by the girl, everything would be serious, but Officer David was pretty casual with me. "Okay son. We're not accusing you of doing anything, at least not yet... So all you have to do is simply answer our questions. Can you do that?" The man who I guessed was Lestrade was the one who had said this. "Yes sir, I believe I can. What would you like to know?" I tried to be calm while he asked me questions, although it was slightly hard for me considering everything... "That's good, because I would hate to have to do it the hard way. So let's get started, shall we?" I nodded my head chuckling slightly in my head at the fact that he said the "hard way". People always say that on movies, but I didn't think that I would be hearing this now. "So what's your name boy?" Officer David was silent, and I wasn't sure if he was going to be doing anything until I saw a pad of lined paper in front of him along with a pencil. I assumed that he would be taking note of everything that I said since he wasn't saying anything. "My name is Allister.. Allister Young." I said this quietly, hopefully loud enough for Detective Lestrade to hear me. "Well, that's a pretty weird name for a kid." Says the guy that's named after a fictional detective from a classic book... Yeah, I think my name is pretty normal for someone my age. At least more normal than Lestrade... "So, Allister. What happened tonight? Give me all of the details of everything that you know." "Well, I decided to go out for a run, and it had to be around eight. Running takes my mind off of things, so I thought that it was a pretty good idea. I went in to the woods since I figured nobody would be there, only to find a lady running. She must have been thinking the same way that I was. Suddenly some type of creature appeared. I only got a faint picture of them, but they were very slender and oddly shaped. I know you probably don't believe me, but the way that it moved so quickly, coming from the sky and going back up... It didn't seem to be a human, nor any creature that lives on Earth." I paused looking at their reactions of my explanation so far. Trying to see if they believed me or not. "Anyhow, the creature suddenly came from the sky. Not like in the movies when they come down with a beam of light surrounding them or anything like that. So he came down and although I was a little freaked out, I just kept on running, until I saw strands of hair being pulled from the woman. She screamed a distinct scream, almost like a shriek. So, I ran but by the time I got there, the creature was already on it's way up to the sky once again. I checked for a pulse, but there wasn't any. I screamed from help while I looked for a wound. Like a stab mark or something. However, I didn't see any blood at all... So then I looked for pills, or a bottle around her. Again, there was nothing there. Then some people finally found us, and now I'm here..." I breathed a deep breathe before grabbing the glass of water that I realized had been there in front of me the whole time I was speaking. Not sure if they would believe me, I became nervous, waiting for them to say something... Anything... "Boy, do you really expect us to believe that some unknown species came from the sky and did this?" "Well honestly, you don't really have that much of a choice! I'm the only one that saw the crime, okay? Don't you guys have any security cameras around there?! I'm just a kid who just so happened to be there when this whole thing happened! This is too much pressure, and you not even trying to believe me surely isn't helping me." This whole transgression must be the worst thing that has ever happened to me other than being born. "Just calm down, Allister! I believe you... Not completely, but I still believe you okay? I'm trying my hardest, but when you hear something like that, it's kind of hard." David said this probably trying to be the good cop. This isn't some game of good cop bad cop. No one in here has any time for that, and I really have to get home to my parent and guardian. "When can I go home?" "You can go home when we tell you that you're done, okay? Now stop acting up because you're just going to make this worse for yourself. We still need to ask you some questions, and if you don't cooperate with us, things'll get really ugly, really fast. Got it kid?" Lestrade shook me up pretty good, and he was way more bloodcurdling than David. Maybe it's because he wasn't a cop, but a detective. All I knew was that I was just gonna have to get over myself and work with these two men. I looked down at the notepad in front of David, noticing that two pages had already been flipped over so a new page would be in front of him. "So kid... Was there anything peculiar that you noticed about the victim?" Lestrade asked this, but I would think that he would already know about something like this. He's the detective here, so he muse have gotten to see the body. Like, in full detail! "Well, I kinda saw one thing in particular... Her eyes were different. I mean, I know people have unique eyes, but there was something that didn't seem right about it. They were beautiful, but it made me feel a little off. You know those cases for DVD's or Blu-Rays where you stand in one place, then move to another place and the image changes? Anyhow, her eyes were kind of like that, but it just changed color. From one view it was a lovely blue, and from another side, it was a grey. Grey is normally such a simple boring color, but her eyes they were so provoking." "And that's all that you noticed?" I nodded since I was drinking some water when Detective Lestrade asked me the question he asked me now. "Okay, do you have any questions for him Officer David?" "Well, yeah... You said that running helps you get steam off. So maybe you were so mad that you did this. Maybe the running didn't help enough, so you took your anger to the max." And here I thought that he was honestly on my side, but I guess not. I mean, I know that he said that he might change his mind during the interrogation, but I didn't think that this was actually going to happen... I mean, what did I say that made him stop trusting me?! If there was just a way that I could prove all of this to them... "Okay, honestly I was pretty mad, but I could never kill someone! Let alone cut all their hair and put it all around her! I mean, you have got to be kidding! If I cut her hair I would need something sharp! If I cut her hair, I would need something sharp? Did you find anything at the crime scene? No! You can check all over me, you won't find anything that I possibly could have used to do this to that girl!" Quite frankly, I was pretty upset, and I wanted to run just as I did before. "Do you guys have anymore questions for me? Because if you don't, I would really love to go for a jog." Both the detective and cop nodded, so I waited until they dismissed me. I was ready to go for a job, and nothing was going to stop me. I went home for a while to change into some comfortable running clothes that would keep me warm. It gets pretty chilly at night, although it was already past midnight. My parents weren't home yet, and my mom probably wouldn't be home for another few hours. Monroe on the other hand was somewhere that I don't know anything about... I was ready for my run, so I lastly put on a new pair of shoes and left the house.

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