Translate   11 years ago

Silver Moon I walked down the clean streets, the#moonwatching down upon me, the smell of baked goods and sweets filled my nostrils from the multiple stores surrounding me. I saw boys look at me in awe, I was slim, with long brown hair that flowed down to my waist, and my emerald green eyes flashed in the moonlight, I was an elf, 13 years old. Finally, I was eligible for a boyfriend. However none of the suitors looking upon me seemed right. They were just too childish, I wanted someone mature and cool, and I hardly think drooling when they see me is cool or mature, still none here suited that description, anyway best hurry up to school, don't want Mr Harrison to lecture me about missing education again. I liked school, I was very intelligent, I still am but anyway. I had only just stepped into school grounds when I heard the school bell ring, I ran as fast as my long legs would carry me, I had only just made it into tutor while everybody else was too. Mr Harrison gave me a stern look but nothing other than that, I headed off to my first lesson, history. I was walking down the corridor when I saw my best friend Crystal heading towards the history block as well, "Hey, Crystal!" I yelled down the corridor, she quickly turned round and I saw her eyes widen, she excused herself from the teacher she was talking to, I couldn't make out who it was but he had grey hair and he looked really pale, then I realised it was one of the 4 elf elders. They decide major action when war has been started or comes to a close, they decide who lives or dies during court, I wondered what under earth he was doing here. My thoughts were interrupted by a loud squeal and a rib breaking hug. " Dawn, I've missed you over the holidays" Crystal squealed in my ear, " and I you"I replied best as you can while being squeezed to death. "Come on, hurry up" she insisted " we are going to be late". Crystal took my hand and ran to history, I felt as if my arm was being pulled out of its socket. I'll use this time to tell you about crystal, like me she is an elf, but she is a total geek, she doesn't care about fashion trends or anything, well neither do I but I love dresses. And she hates sports and loves work, like me she has brown hair but unlike me she has blue eyes. So yeah I was being dragged to History I sat down in my seat next to Nathan, urgh boring and a total slob, I think he washes only once a month, well he smells like it at the very least and looks it. Oh goddess, I have to sit with him for an hour through history, this is going to be a long hour.

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