Translate   11 years ago

The Song Of Doom Part 1 As I rode my bike down the street I heard oh not this song. The strange song by the invaders was playing on the speakers everywhere. When I bought the song for my iPod it made my brain kind of go fuzzy. I had to hurry up and turn it off before it felt as if I was going to sleep. I sped up but where ever I went I could hear it. The only solution I could think of was to play my own music so I put my headphones in. I rode all the way home and didn't take my headphones out till I shut my bedroom door. As I threw my self on the bed my mom started calling me. I went down and my mom didn't look ok. She was pale and her eyes had a lost look to them. We are going to the invaders concert tomorrow. I almost fainted. I ran up to my room and slammed my door. I just couldn't under stand why we would go to the concert my mom hates the invaders. A while later I went downstairs to get a snack when the doorbell wrung. I went to the door and there was Pete our post man but he looked like mom pale and dazed looking eyes. He asked me if we were going to the invaders concert and then handed me the mail. While I walked back to the kitchen table a was flipping through the mail and there was a letter for me! I dropped the mail on the table and ran up to my room the letter in my hand. I opened my door and was running in when.... Bam there was..... the end of part 1

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