Son Of The Seas 4 On the way to the air quarters no one spoke a word to me. All I got was strange looks as people whispered to their friends. It was like that the rest of the day and I felt really awkward. The air quarters was a long room warm with a gentle breeze. I went to sleep hating myself. The next day Alwyn came to me and said "today you will be working with the fire Druids and you will be controlling lava." Then he left me, feeling lost. After what felt like an hour I managed to find the fire Druids' quarters. A room lit only by a log fire in front of a long, red, silk carpet. Wait there wasn't any logs in the fireplace just a ball of fire floating avove a metal palm. " what are you doing here?" Sniffled a soft voice from one of the beds. "I'm looking for the fire Druid class." The figure sat up into the light, I could now see that she was a beautiful girl with long wavy hair and gorgeous pink eyes. "We'll you're a bit late for that water boy," the girl stood up neatened her hazel hair and walked over. She was wearing a red uniform with golden patterns swirling all over it. "I'm Dawn," she said extending her hand. " nice to meet you. I'm James."I shook her hand kindly it was warm to the touch. My heart suddenly felt a lot warmer. "You're not going in that are you?" She asked, staring at my white air Druid uniform. "Oh right," i blinked out of my daydream "do you have any spare uniforms?" "I think I may be able to fish something out for you," she disappeared into the walk in closet that I couldn't see when I first looked in and came out five minutes later with a uniform almost identical to hers except for the fact that his belt was blue like the bottom of a flame. "This looks about right." I started putting the ruby robes on and I was handed some fire proof gloves. "Well, we'd better get over to the lava pit then, we're already late." She said when I was fully dressed. And with that we set off into the manor talking to each other as if we'd known each other for all of our lives.
Aveyond Keiver
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