Traducciones   12 años

A Family Moment Sitting in the lounge room of our home I look at Alystair and Constantine's toys strewn around the place I can't help the sigh that escapes me as I get to my feet and start cleaning the room for what feels like the millionth time. Alec is busy in the kitchen fixing dinner as he does every night, my cooking hadn't improved much over the past eight years and I wondered where Roberto got his talent from. His father of course, there was barely a thing he couldn't do. Sighing I reach down gathering the Lego pieces and putting them into a pile, ensuring to keep Constantine and Alystair's pieces. All of the green, yellow and white ones belonged to Constantine, while the darker red, black and blues belonged to Alystair. When I reach for the Lego the boys dubbed their 'masterpiece' I frown when it can't be removed from the hard wood floors, grasping it tightly I give it a hard yank, the Lego still holding firm to the ground. "You little terrors" I mutter to myself when I realize they have super glued it to the floor. Standing back at my full height I make my voice as stern as I can when I say "Constantine Alec and Alystair Jace, lounge room now!" I can sense their shock at my tone, it was not one I used often with them, but it was one they recognized as an authority in our house, it doesn't take more than a minute for the two of them to come bounding into the room, the amount of energy they radiated in a day could power an entire country for a year, if not more. With my hands on my hips I raise my eyebrow as I look from each of the boys to the Lego 'masterpiece' glued to the floor, Constantine lowers his gaze to the ground guilt crossing his features, Alystair's face remaining impassive as he says "We didn't do it mamã, it was Aric and Abigail" I raise my eyebrow higher as I say "Oh really? Are you sure about that? They haven't been to visit for a few days. Alystair's eyes go wide and he shakes his head ferociously as he says "Wait no, I remember it was Arianna and Aeron" his eyes dart around the room looking everywhere but at me and I can't help the small grin that forms on my mouth, he reminds me so much of myself when I was younger, always trying to shift the blame on someone else. Well if that is the case I say to him and Constantine "I guess your cousins can't come and play anymore." Constantine's head snaps up, his eyes wide and mouth open as he gapes at me before saying "It wasn't them mamã, it was Tempest and Dominic! They came and brought the glue, and they said it would be funny," his voice rises with every word and I am almost inclined to believe him, if it weren't for the grin Alystair was giving him as they communicated through our family link, they had yet to master their personal link fully and I could hear them as they spoke Alystair "See I told you mama would believe you" Constantine "I don't know Aly, she looks pretty mad" "mamã is never mad at you, only me" "Not true! Remember when I painted the wolf? mama was super mad" Alystair's face breaks into a grin before he starts laughing. Pretending that I didn't hear the exchange between them I keep my hands firmly on my hips as I look down to them. The three of us stare at each other and I let out a sigh knowing they got their stubbornness from me before laughing and pulling them both into a hug. Squeezing them tightly I close my eyes as I hold two of my three sons to me, #life was almost perfect on the isle now. I had my children who I loved more than #life itself, my amazing charming devoted husband and my wolves, what more could I really want? When the boys pull back from me, I lean forward and kiss both their cheeks the combined "ew mamã"'s making me tear up as I realize they are growing up so fast. Resting back on my heels I look to the Lego still glued to the floor as I say "Tino, Aly put your Lego away and go wash up for dinner", they grumble and slowly walk to their Lego, dragging thei feet every step before picking it up and leaving the room No more than five minutes later Alec calls to us all, "Katty, boys dinner is ready" I walk into the kitchen, seeing Alec standing at the head of the table I let out an appreciative growl as I grin at him wickedly before moving toward him so quickly he barely has time to put the pot of spaghetti down and wrap his arms around me. Tilting my face up to his I get onto the tips of my toes and brush my lips across his lightly before deepening the kiss, his hand moves to the nape of my neck, and base of my back as he holds me to him. Our kiss is broken by the sound of the boys "ew mamã tatã", as they enter the kitchen and take up their chairs at the table, Alec and I let out matching laughs as we take our seats at the table, Alec dishing out the dinner for us all, we sit together and enjoy another family meal...

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