Being at a heaven The clouds parted as the sun slowly begun to shine through, it had been weeks since the sky's were void of activity. The young girl stared at the sky waiting for the lightning to crack, she didn't know how she knew it but she felt deep in her soul that the sunshine wouldn't hold out, they were in for more storms. Storms to a biblical proportion, ones that the country wouldn't be able to withstand. The girl closes her eyes breathing in the scent of the impending rain as she loses herself in her mind, in her own personal heaven. Reaching into her subconscious the girl calls forth her favourite memory, it was a memory of when she was younger a time when her world was right. Her mother was alive, her little sister was not sick and her father was an honourable man. It was before the rains began. Her memory flows through her mind giving her more comfort than anything in the living world could. Her mothers bright smiling face looked down upon her, love radiating from her gaze as she reaches down and picks her up, the girl wraps her arms and legs around her mother as she says "I love you mama" she leans back and kisses the tip of her mothers nose just before her mother replies with "As I love you, my little angel". The girl closes her eyes and leans back against her mothers chest, listening to the sound of her heartbeat as it slowly soothes and comforts her almost to the point of sleep. The loud rumble of thunder drags the young girl out of her memories throwing her into the bleak and harsh present, she looks up at the sky just in time to see the sky light up as a long streak of lightning crashes through the sky. Her eyes no longer go wide as they used to when she was younger but dim more each time the thunder rolls, she turns and walks back into the house wondering which of her family the rains would take this time.

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