Translate   11 years ago

Fish Bizarre #life is random as is the Universe. We are descending more and more into disorder. So what is the point? The only thing I am truly interested in is taking in the wonders that surround us. Enjoying the beauty of our planet and gazing up at the sky in wonder. Instead I'm conditioned to do what you want me to do. You tell me to work to earn more money for people I don't know. In return I can have my own money to buy what you tell me to buy. 'Sit in front of your television and watch all this mind numbing garbage for your entertainment. That's right, you don't need to think about the outside world or the meaning of #life, that's just a waste of your time. Just sit there and wait to die. Spend all your money on new gadgets and clothes. You need a bigger house. You need a faster car. You need these nice clothes and this nice watch. These things will make you happy.' It saddens me that we live during this era. I pity everyone who leads this miserable non-existence. I hate myself for I am as guilty as you. So I ask you, what is the point?

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