перевести   12 лет назад

Into The Brook (continuation of 1) I didn't mind the task, in all reality. I made myself seem very close to her for the public's and her sake. But I really did it for myself. Nobody would consider me a suspect of her death that would happen at 101 tonight, in the woods behind her house. It would look like a suicide, completed with a note on the reasoning for the death in her handwriting. It's a simple task for my skills, I think they now underestimate me. I went through the woods that night, formed into the creature. I howled a warning, as she fastened the rope around her neck. The note was perfect. It read: I can't live with myself. I can't believe I let myself get pregnant. I can't bare everything wrong in my #life so this is, like, goodbye? I guess there's no other option. It sounded like something she would write, and my ability to make her write it in her hand writing makes it even better. I had her staple it to a tree. She jumped from the branch she was perched upon, and the familiar snap ment another finished job. I padded the way back to my little cabin on the outskirts of the other side of those woods. I recited my speech and emotions I would have once I received the news of her 'suicide'. Just another restless night for myself, and another night of knowing they won't come and take me instead if my assigned victim. Another night of being cursed with immortality. Another night of being... A werewolf. In the morning, I brushed my long, thick, and extremely layered hair. I rested my bangs to block people's access to view my eyes like normal. Applied my black eyeshadow, black eyeliner and pearly pink lip gloss. I licked my raven black hair. It was sprinkled with natural brown, making it glint almond-ish in the sun. I threw on baggy black skinny jeans and a "DotDotCurve" band t-shirt and a pair of black converse. My style was complete, and I left out the door with a piece of toast loosely hanging from my mouth, and the speech prepared in my head and the emotions plotted out. I can't wait to see everybody's reactions to the news. Today is going to be fun.

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