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Meaning Even the stars They burn Some even fall To the earth We've got a lot to learn But god knows were worth it. I won't give up. Have you ever noticed how the lesser songs, The hits for a week but then everyone forgets about them, they always have an amazing ulterior meaning. This song, is based on a man saying he won't give up his relationship with a girl. However, take those lyrics out of the song and look at it now. It's saying something. Something beautiful. Something that not many people hear. See, the modern music, if it wants to be noticed has to be about boobs, sex, relationships, breakups, makeups, ect. Jason Mraz was always one of my favourite artist. Not only because he could create catchy music that was easy to get lost in, he had a hidden message in all of his songs. Just think about the "good" artist now. They don't have a good meaning. What about Macklemore? Same love? Thrift shop even. They didnt even have a hidden meaning, he made it obvious what he was singing about, for a purpose, to educate and spread love. It worked didnt it. Next time your singing along to a teenie pop song, think about the message, and if that's the message you want our future to be living.

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