Traducciones   12 años

I Know We Are A Pain But .... #internationalwomensday I adore being a girl, a woman, a lady or a lass. I simply wouldn't change it for the world but don't get me wrong I know we are a pain! I appreciate we moan and nag and our moodiness must be a drag. We bitch, gossip and connive and nothing is ever black and white with us. We are unpredictable and make simple things hard. I realise that to men we must be an unfathomable maze that sometimes seems just too hard to solve. And when my boys are grown I will warn them of the dangers we possess. The wickedness and slyness girls use to tempt and torture men. However, despite all of that I KNOW we are the fairer sex. The strongest people I have ever met are women. Our sacrifice knows no bounds. Intelligence and drive to succeed where men would stop. To face horror, danger and death in order to make a stand or save another #life. This is why we have been given the role of growing new #life. I am a career mummy and I realise I can't have it all. I don't wish to belittle men, I think they are just great! But being a girl is best and hurrah for a day to celebrate that!

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