перевести   12 лет назад

Methyldioxymethylamphetamine Words tumble from behind clenched teeth as orgasmic pulses flow from my feet, exacerbating ecstasy drenched eyes. Overloaded senses unleash torrents while nerve endings simultaneously constrict; emptying my stomach into our porcelain alter. The deity of a disillusioned youth. Up, up and away over the chimney tops of London. Smiling, twisting, turning, lips exploding over so many people;. Crowding my vision with fornications in bathrooms and clubs and tents. Spraying their seeds on walls and PVC. Sweat dripping terminally down, down, down. Exploring gradients of my body, praising the blocked hypothalamus. High above my city, the sprawling metropolis, controlled by another, new worlds, free worlds, bright worlds flirt with the palette of the bourgeois blur beneath. This is our proletariat plane out of here. Dropping bomb after bomb on unsuspecting nerve endings. The roman candles of an austerity nation; burn, burn, burning across the night sky. Seducing Ginsbergian angels amongst the tower blocks of Orwell's nightmare. Precariat ladders are meaningless to the receding gums of the socialist youth as bloody noses keep drip, drip, dripping into our porcelain alter. We are sacrifices to the deity of a disillusioned youth. Poets of circumstance. Reluctant revolutionairies. Starved, Hysterical, Naked. The angry fix to Moloch's broken means of production. Generationless generation frantically fossilising our existence before the clop, clop, clop of moloch's menaces drag us from our dialetical disguises and bloodied batons drip, drip, drip into the porcelain alter to the deity of a disillusioned youth.

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