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cafe latte: friends (short fiction series) She rang me one afternoon to see me at the cafe. It's been a while since I saw her last. I haven't been to the cafe either. Now she chose that cafe to see me. The cafe where she broke up with whats-his-face, it's been a while. How long has it been? Like 6 months? She and I had been good friends to each other since meeting in college, always kind of kept in touch. After the incident 6 months ago, my worry towards her made me try to contact her even more regularly. But, she suddenly dropped it. And no news anymore told me any other friend is talking to her either. Then, I felt a disconnection she's made with rest of the world. As I opened the door to the cafe, I saw her sitting at this tiny table for two. I remembered the table. Wooden, lovely, this cafe has always seemed as a happy place with nice wood scent wanders around in the air. She waved at me with a smile. I gave her a hug and sat in front of her. She kept her smile and said, "Nice to see you." We talked about some random things for quite a while, how our days were, how no good eligible bachelors were around, they were random anything of nothing. And, although the talk was about us, we sounded as if the matters were not related to any parts of our lives whatsoever. "...It is a nice cafe after all", she said shifting her head to the side. I replied, "It sure is." Then, I caught a tear gradually filling up her eyes while she was looking away from me and gazed at the air. And its reason was apparent. Ah, damn, I thought she might be ok. I should have noticed and had no doubt that she merely pushed herself to be ok and chose here to prove that she was. I was in remorse for not noticing her intention. And I was feeling the same anger I felt in the past towards that twat that's now still making her feel this way. I know any story shouldn't be accepted one-sided, he probably has his side of story. But the heart-aching events happened between these two that she's decided to share with me were already quite an impact. I was so mad at that guy. I should never call anybody a twat, I know nobody deserves that. But alas, I've never known any of his other personal qualities that avoids me from calling him so. Fucking twat. What the fuck have you done. I pretended I didn't notice her tears. I went on still talking about bachelors. "Men are just hogs happen to be walking on two legs. That's what they are. Don't you think?" "Yeh." She laughed, slightly wiping the corners of her eyes with a finger. It was windy outside. I saw some leaves being swept away by the wind. We sipped some more cafe latte from our cups and decided to smile and talk some more nonsense as it flowed.

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