übersetzen   11 Jahre

Prolouge Mary loved spring. The soft breezes and friendly sun, the moist air and tiny colour full flowers everywhere you look. That particular day Mary was in the woods after school, she often took this route home after school in the days when time was longer and light more lasting. Today Mary decided to pick some flowers, she didn't pick flowers very much because she enjoyed the flowers herself, and didn't want to steal the beauty from others eyes, not that anyone else ever went in the forest. Mary arranged a splendid display of forest flowers many of which were tulips and took them home to her mother who put them in a vase and watered them everyday. One day Mary noticed the flowers were wilting and she knew her Mother would throw them away. Suddenly Mary felt bad, the flowers would still be alive if she hadn't dug them up. So she decided to paint a picture of them so she could always remember their beauty. She called her picture "Tulips".

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