Tradurre   12 anni fa

Remember? <3 Remember those days we used to run away when our parents said "cleaning time" Remember those days when you heard the ice cream truck and ran to the street with your dollar and bought the last ice pop? Remember those days running to the sidelines of the field to get your dad to tie up your lace? Remember those days when we got kissed on the head and had that small smile as your mum switched off the light for the night? Remember those light up sneakers that you needed to be "cool". Remember when homework was learning to spell Supercalafragilisticespialadoscious. Remember crying your self to sleep because you fought with your brother over which power ranger was better? Remember making flower chains with the neighbors and making your parents pay for them? Remember the street parties, singing until 2am and laughing at the falling adults. Remember getting your first test result and smiling a toothless grin to your proud parents. Remember loosing your first tooth? Remember waking up on a Christmas morning running around the house waking everyone up? Remember when you just had to run home to watch The Wiggles on television? Remember when you had your first sleepover and staying up late was a crime? Remember when it didn't matter how much make up or food you ate you were always beautiful? Remember when size was math and not friends? Remember when everything was easier? Remember when we were all happy? Remember mother stressing late at night and we weren't sure why? That's us now. Put it in perspective. One day we will look back and think "I wish #life was still that easy" One day we will see how silly our hardships are now. Smile every once in a while. Laugh at your mistakes. Smile at failures. Shrug at imperfections, and try harder next time to get it right. Now only lasts for as long as you make it. Make it worth it and make it yours.

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