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The girl Chapter 2 Her point of view: I couldn't breath. He was so close, to finding out who I was, to analyzing my face. He would report me to the CPS and my secret would be found out. I hid further back behind the dumpster and cried into my sleeve. I stayed there all night listening to the chirping of crickets and the occasional car zooming past. I winced as the first rain drop fell on to my cheek and i covered my face with my arm. I felt each little ice-cold drop drop onto my arm like a bullet tearing my flesh. I noticed a sudden stop in the steady beating of the rain on my arm and looked up. I screamed. The boy: he was back. "I-I, I'm sorry i just thought you might want, you know, an umbrella or something," he was about my age, maybe a year older. I was 15. He sat down beside me and looked away from me. I understood. He also held in his hand a stack of clothes. He caught me staring at the bundle in his arms. "Oh! Um, these are some of my mom's old clothes, ya I um dont wear girls clothes," he smiled and caught a glance at me. "Thanks," I croaked out. "Well, you can stop by my place if you want something to eat tonight," I didn't think he could hurt me: just a normal teen, he had nothing against me. Maybe he could protect me. Maybe he was the one.

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