Translate   11 years ago

First. This is the hand that everyone's dealt. You either use him or lose him, and that's how I felt. He made me feel lucky to get such a guy. He made me special, he made me feel high. That was in August, but now the month is June. I'm still in high school, you'll be home soon. Thinking about that sweet short little girl. The first one to ever make your toes curl. The one who would kiss all down your neck. The one who'd tease you with just one quick peck. Things got in the way, and now that girls gone. It simply just felt like everything was wrong. Now you see her kissing that boy. The way that they talk, all of her joy. You once made her blush, you made that girl smile. Now for a laugh, you'd walk forty miles. She seems like she's gone. Like she's not coming back. Little did you know, you're what that girl lacked. I missed you like crazy, but you seemed so distant. So I just decided to forget for an instant. This new boy will help me erase all the pain. Even if he doesn't even know my real name. You have a new girl, so I guess you're okay. Even though I think about you every day. I hoped you missed me, but I saw how you looked. The way that girl smiled, I knew you were hooked. So I'll just go on seeing this boy. And you'll just be the one who destroyed. Now there's no way of knowing what went through your head. The pain, the suffering, the hurt or the dread. Or maybe you actually liked hurting me. Maybe all you ever felt for me was pity. I just hope you know, you left me so scared. I can't sleep at night, it just isn't fair. I hope you're ecstatic, happy at worst. I'll just let you know, you were my first.

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