(no Title) -intro Children don't like bed time. It's fact that when you are a child you do as much as you can to avoid bed. Why? I don't know! Personally I love bed time because bed time equals bed which equals being warm and cosy and being transported into worlds that could only exist in your head. However, Charlie Thorpe, like most kids his age hated bed time and like most kids he hated it because for a child bed time often brings nightmares. But as you will find out, Charlie's nightmares weren't quite in his head. Charlie lived with his mum, a plain, uninteresting women who's #life consisted of how much money she had to buy her next drink. His dad had moved to Spain with his girlfriend several years ago, Charlie only heard from him on his birthday. It was the end of the summer holidays, the weather hot and humid, too hot to do much but too humid to do nothing. Unlike me, Charlie enjoyed the world of video games, he wasn't very active and certainly wasn't adventurous. It was Charlie's first day at senior school, I remember mine well, the overpowering aroma of that classy smell of baby prostitute - the girls trying to impress the boys, and the vacant look on so many faces - trying to figure out why they had to wake up so early for this. However, Charlie's first day was a tiring one, he hadn't slept last night, afraid to have the nightmare, afraid to be pulled into a world that he couldn't control. As he squeezed through the, "Majorca was great, they do the most amazing burgers" and "Me and my new boyfriend just sunbathed the entire holiday" he started to feel light headed with the energy bouncing off the hundreds of kids in the corridor. Classroom 22. Finally. Desk. Seat. Siiiigggghhhhhh. It was loud, but it was school. The overwhelming noise was drowned by his thoughts. Thoughts of his summer. The consuming thoughts of his night times this summer. And the one thing that occupied those night times, the nightmare.
Beth (^.^)
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