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Whisper Chapter 1 Rosie's POV Him. He was so familiar but I didn't even recognize him. Okay, okay. You probably think I'm a nut case because you have no idea what I'm talking about so let me start from the very beginning. When I was six years old, I was coloring, that's what I did when I was sad. I had just found out that grandma died and I was really close to her. Well,I was staring out the window when I felt this cold rush of air pass through me. It fazed me being a little girl, but I shrugged it off. I then heard this whisper. I panicked. I turned around to see this figure, male, staring at me. He was a little boy with thick, black, sleek hair and beautiful brown eyes. I could see him but he was still clear. I would've screamed but his face looked so innocent it didn't scare me. "Who are you?", I said simply. "Brent," the mysterious thing said. "What are you doing here?" "I'm here to be your friend. To help you come over you grandmas passing." I smiled. For the next two years, Brent was my best friend. We played tag together, colored, and much more. One day, while we were playing tag, he stopped and sat down. Surprisingly, not sinking with him being a ghost and everything. I asked him what was wrong, he answered.... "I must go," he said then got up to leave. I ran up to him and said, "B-b-but w-why?" I trembled. "Because you have overcame your grandmas death, my job is done." "Will I ever see you again?" He stared at me and opened his mouth to say something but then faded into nothing.

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