Dream Boy Chapter 3 So the dream boy was thinking of a plan and fast. Then he hears a voice from the left of him. It was the wolf dog talking to him. He said the bad dreamers are getting a way you know. The dream boy said to the wolf dog you can talk. And we need to stop the two men that are the bad dreamers. The wolf dog howled the door off the cage, so that he can help his family. He said to the boy. When the sun is out I look like a monster so he said to him. Don't be scared because I have more moves in me that you don't know boy. I am your dream so know that I am your dreamer of power, what do you want to call me? The dream boy said I will call you Blanka to the wolf dog. I like so call me when you need help he said. Blanka went in to the dream gate. So did the dream boy when he got running behind. He was thinking if Vicky and Lily will be okay. So the dream boy had a look around see what to get in the Dream world. He went in to the magic shop to see what to get. He picked up a wolf helmet, black trousers with a glow in a dark dragon on it. And there was a ring glowing. He put it on his middle finger and felt a power from the ring it was calling him to come to vill north. So I got these trainers and a shield that looks like a lions head. I said to the shop keeper how much will this be for all of these things I need to help a friend of mine. The shop keeper said your the chosen one of the dreamer of the gods he screams. I am glad that you are here boy will you help me out with these books. There were some kids you see come barging like know tomorrow. What will we do ask nicely. To do this we need to put on the door no running so they know they need to be quiet in your shop. He said to the boy thank you I do that right a way he said to the boy. Dream boy said I am glad to help you if you need call me by name and I will be here for you. The shop keeper handed over a book. The boy opened the book. It has the dream creatures of power in side you see said Elder the shop keeper. But first you have to look for them boy. The dream boy said thank you for everything know I must be off now to save Lily and her mum Vicky. The Elder says watch your self if you die here you will never get back home and what will you do then. The boy said I wont die because I am here for everyone who needs help. And I will have my dream creatures with me. So the dream boy went off to Vill North it was a little Village of the North In high mountains He went up the mountains. It was hard to climb up but he climbed and he climbed it was snowing at Vill North. I see my hand going blue my face was pale but I kept on going up then I see a green monster doing bolts of lighting coming from his body. He was with some one so I said hello over there who are you. The god of the Village of the North I am the one that brought you here my dream boy so you made it at last I see. Yes I am here my friends. And do you know where my wolf dog Blanka went. He ran off towards the Village of the North to the mountains for help because Lily and Vicky been captured by the two men call the bad dreamers. The god said they are twins that live far away from here but we call them the bad dreamers because they do bad thingsThey have dream creatures to so watch yourself boy and the god said I know where your friend Blanka is he is with me here can't you see boy. The god laughed the sun was going down and the starts where glowing then the#moonwas out it was getting late. Then this green man what was doing bolts out of his body was changing in to a wolf dog. I can't believe my eyes I said are you Blanka. Blanka said yes it is me I was doing some training with the god so I can come strong. So know we can look for some dreamers to come with us in the battle. The god said you know the ring you have point the middle finger at the dream creature then you will catch it. Blanka says summon me if you need help and I will be here for you. But you need to catch me with your ring. So the boy pointed his finger at Blanka he went in side the ring I got in the shop. So the god said to summon him back out is to say his name and put your middle finger in the air above your head. So the dream boy said I will but is there some where I can sleep for know. The god said yes go in to a Inn to sleep you will see a woman that works there. The boy said thank you I will go down there know. So off he goes down the snowy mountains and back to the little Village of North to the Inn. When he goes in he saw an old woman at the desk. He goes up to her and say that he wants to stay for a night. The old woman said ok it will be one pound for a night. So the woman takes him to his room and said have a good rest I will talk to you soon when you get up. The dream boy said good night to the old woman and she shut the door. The dream boy is fast a sleep and can't wait to catch the next dream creature. What will it be he said to himself cant wait for the next day.

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