Translate   12 years ago

Thinking about technology recently. When i went down for dinner tonight, my mum was scrolling intently through her phone, dad scrutinizing an app with furrowed brows on the iPad, sister tapping away with vigor on the sleek keyboard with her laptop settled comfortably on her lap. Food was spread on the table, steaming, untouched. Everyone was busy feasting on the blue glow illuminating from each retina burning screen. What happened to interaction? No, not interaction with somebody you can't see that is sending you messages with "LOL" and smiley faces scattered everywhere while they're actually staring at the screen with heavy eyelids and a switched off mind. Interaction with someone who's tangible, if you reach out, you'd touch them, if you listened, you'd hear them. Longhand letters? gone. Visits to friends' houses? gone. Why write, why MOVE, when you have it all in the palm of your hand? Of course the irony in all this is that i'm expressing my angst with technology through a slim device propped up on the table, blue glow shining on my frustrated face. Oh technology. Can't live without you, can't live with you. The woes from a 21st century.

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