Translate   11 years ago

Paper Daisies -BXB : Three Anthony - I shoved my bags roughly into the locker, pulling out the right things that I needed for the first few lessons. I knew that today I would be ambushed in questions and honestly, I didn't want to come back.. I wish I could just stay at home all my school #life and then move away. I didn't want to have to face them again. "Ant.. hey." A firm hand quickly placed on my shoulder which suddenly snapped me out of my thoughts, quickly snapping my gaze to the boy standing behind me. Jenson awkwardly pushed himself from foot to foot as the tears lightly poured down his cheeks. "Sweetie, don't cry.." I sighed, slowly wrapping my arms around him, holding him tightly against my chest as I hugged him tightly, securely. "I-I miss him." He choked out weakly, his hand slowly locking around my waist as he glanced up at me, tears still making their way to his chin as he sniffled weakly. "I know, Jen.. Me too." I said, kissing his forehead as I pulled him out at arms length. "Come on, I'll walk you to your first lesson." I whispered, dropping my hands from his shoulders as I slowly took his hand in mine, walking down the corridor towards his first lesson. We both walked in complete silence until we got to the door. "W-Well thanks.." He mumbled, glancing up at me and giving me a weak smile. "I-I know it's harder for you.. I mean you loved him I-I didn't mean to make me sound so.. stupid." Jenson dropped his gaze to the floor as he slowly hooked his shoulder onto his bag, giving me another weak smile before quickly walking into his lesson. Taking a deep and shaky breath, I started to walk towards my own lesson, the other side of the school. History, great. My hands tightly shoved in my pockets as I walked towards the classroom, the halls were now completely silent as I must have been about ten minutes late. The clicking of shoes had stopped and only the faint muttering of teachers and students in their classrooms. "Ah, once again.. you're late, Mr Clarke." Mr Rendarway, the tall and lanky history teacher boomed as I swung the door open. His short grey hair on his head only just covered his head, his glasses perked on his nose as his lips were pursed into a angry frown. "Yeah, sorry about that.." I mumbled, lifting my head to glance up at the class before making my way towards my seat, dropping my stuff on the table before sitting down on the cold seat. "Now Mr Clarke has decided to join us.. Lets continue with our essays." Mr Rendarway hissed, slowly sitting down on his chair as he flicked open his book. "You have a hour." The lesson passed slowly, as did the next lesson.. then break, lunch and after the long drag of a day the final bell went. I was standing at my locker as I started to hear whispering behind me, the high pitched chatter of the sixth form girls who were most probably all talking about Danny. Spinning around on my heels, I slammed my locker door shut, swinging my bag over my shoulder. "What." I snarled out weakly, clenching my jaw. The girls suddenly stopped muttered and talking about whatever they were to rush off in the other direction, causing me to let out a heavy sigh in relief, dropping my tensed shoulders. "Ant! Ant wait up!" The sound of Aliyah's high pitched voice swooned in my direction. Turning to her, a soft smile spread across my lips. Aliyah was in the year above me, she was perfect and all the boys dreamed to be with her and luckily, she was my best friend. She linked her arm with mine as she reached my side. "I'm getting Clementine at four.. then I was wondering if we could both stop at yours, mum and dad have gone on holiday." Aliyah smiled, as we started to walk out of the school. "course.." I nodded once, starting to walk from the school grounds and towards the street where my house was placed. Clementine was Aliyah's twin sister, she was so pretty, of course they were both adored. Though they were the beauty of the school, when me and Danny were together, people would turn to see us walking down the hallways, they'd coo and awe as they saw us hand in hand. We were perfection, we ruled the school halls. I missed him, I truly did, no matter what he did to me.. he was still mine, I'd still see him as my boy. Aliyah continued to talk and blab on about her school play that she was holding as I started to zone out, staring at the forest which was packet with tall trees, nobody dared to go in there. When suddenly, my gaze locked with a boy standing between two of the trees, his hands in his pockets as he stood perfectly square, his shoulders tensed into a straight line, his feet level with a soft smirk playing and toying with the corners of lips. "Anthony! are you listening to me?" Aliyah muttered, her fingers snapping in front of my eyes. Yelping, I glanced at her, nodding slowly shakily. "Yeah.. um, Cinderella.. modern, got it." I whispered, lifting my gaze and glancing back into the forest but he wasn't there, nobody was.. Just the blow of the wind making the trees sway back and forth. "Are you okay, you look like you've seen a ghost.."

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