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Hippies Part 1 We got out of the van, all five of us. Me, Felix, Jade, Michael and Scot. I breathed in the scent from the flowers and the mountain air while a pair of arms wrapped around my waist. "Beautiful isn't it?" He whispered. I laughed. "Yeah. How did you find this place?" "Me and my family would go camping here when i was little" I turned around and met those green orbs of Felix's eyes. I leaned in for a kiss when Jade screamed. We both turned around to see Jade screaming and wriggling. Scot was laughing and pointing at her. Me and Felix looked at each other because we knew there would be trouble. We walked over to them and Jade shouted "HE PUT SPIDERS DOWN MY SHIRT!" Jade wiggled and sure enough two spiders fell out of her shirt. I grabbed Jade's arm and took her to the nearby shower and threw her some clothes. Sorry i haven't introduced myself properly. My name is Ava and i am 17 years old and me and my friends travel around the world. We use all of my parents money since they are so rich and i will never have to work. We use some of the others money but its mostly my parents. Felix is my boyfriend and he's the best boyfriend i could ever have. He is one of those boys in your dreams, books and romantic movies. My best friend, Jade is the only girl friend i have. Shes the best and we talk about everything and we have so much in common. She loves The Beatles and has a great taste in music. Michael is a bookworm. He spends all his time reading books and hardly interacts with us and when he does its usually because he has no books to read. He is funny and he's really smart but he doesn't want to use his smarts to get a good job. Scot is an idiot. He and Jade do pranks on each other and give each other a hard time whenever they get a chance. Scot loves insects and is so interested in them. He could have Michael's smarts when it comes to bugs. Scot is nice and funny and spends his time making pranks, flirting with Jade, starring at her and anything to do with her. He is so love sick it can be disgusting sometimes. Anyway i got to go. I have to help Jade. She thinks some bugs are still on her.

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