League of Legends (LoL) LoL is a Free2Play MOBA (Massive Online Battle Arena) Game. This means you will play on small Maps in 1-5 vs 1-5 Battles. You can go versus human Players or against Bots and you can create mixed Teams. Before each new Game, you select your Champion from a wide range of Carrys, Tanks, Supporter, Wizards and so on. Each Player starts in every new Game on Level 1 and can Level the Champion up to Level 18. With each new Level you can upgrade 1 of 4 Skills. The maximum Level for each Skill is 6 and each Champion has it's own, unique Skills plus 1 passive Abillity. Additionally, you can spent up to 30 Points in a Mastery Tree, like in World of Warcraft and you can place up to 30 Runes in a Rune Tree. These Masterys , Runes and your Skills makeing all the difference in a Game. The target of a Game is to destroy the enemies Base. But before you can destroy the Base, you have to destroy all defending Towers on the path to the Base. The Towers are defending their self, but in regular intervalls, the Base is also sending out waves of Minions, wich also defend their selfs; attacking the Player. The Player Account is called "Summoner". Your Summoner earns Experience Points with each Game and Levels from 1 to 30. The amount of available Mastery Points, depends uppon your Summoners Level. There are Ranked (Ladder), Unranked and Free Games in various Game Modes. The Visuals are stunning and the Sounds are great! See for your self and take a Testdrive on http://www.leagueoflegends.com

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