Black Flag I can't stand for much. My #life isn't something worth talking about, because if I do, there is no #life left to live. I think I can only believe in the unbelievable. It makes more sense. It seems easier to acquire. Easier to digest. I can't think of it without caving. I'm left with a fleeting moment of vulnerability, replaced with cold, dead numbness. I've clenched my jaw for so long, it has left that feeling you get after you've burnt your tongue on scolding hot tea. I listen to a dark electronic song. I picture myself in a music video - dark, dramatic. When the drop comes, my visual becomes so extreme my bodily sensation scares me. I waved a white flag long ago. But no matter how hard I waved it, I never found peace. It was a fight destined to be won - giving up was just not an option. In rain, in snow, in cold, I waved my flag until it turned black. I can't stand for much. I can barely stand up anymore. But I can wave. The black flag will always wave. So I stand. Idle. No wind. no movement. just the black flag and I Side by side As friends and and foes. Never to be separated.

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