çevirmek   12 yıllar önce

A Dive Of Faith The sun was high up, shining brightly across the blue unsettling ground. The sunlight would occasionally give the pretence of sapphires and diamonds as it flowed across the ocean. It stung his eyes , so he rolled over to one side. His mouth was salty and bitter as the water rushed inside him like the Greek army at pompeii . He splashed around a bit till he found the wooden board again. Pushing himself on top, he scanned the area shading his eyes from the sun. Sharks.....eels.....whales......gators . Wait! Gators? There aren't any in the sea , usually..... He opened his eyes and shaded them from the sun. There were more broken wooden boards around him and cabinets and ...cutlery?! And more wooden splinters . Then he saw a grey fin prop out of water , swiftly moving towards him. He sighed and muttered "dorsal". She insisted on a cruise. He hated boats. "and tell her we will be back in a month . If not she can assume we have settled down in some better country", she told the maid to wire to her mum as she played with her rose blonde locks, a dreamy look on her face. "I don't ..",but he let his voice drown in her loud thinking about their trip .At first he was excited about it too, but it was now wearing off. She would never stop talking about those tickets her uncle sent on Christmas . A good excuse to avoid meeting him in person. her uncle despised him , flinched at the very sight of the young innocent man. He wasn't exactly fond of the mentioned uncle either . As of now he only wanted to get over this as soon as possible and settle the dispute regarding his will that an 'unwilling' grandfather left him a few months ago. A huge estate , and monetary funds of the quantum that one couldn't run out of in his entire #lifetime. With this kind of property, it only made sense to assume his grandfather was murdered. But enough of that. They had to leave in the evening. Just a few more last minute touch ups for the young lady who had been rubbing pancake on her face for the last two hours. After sending telegrams regarding her trip to all women in the bridge club (she thought telling them earlier would jinx her vacation) , and checking her luggage for the umpteenth time, she tottered down the stairs, quickly but gracefully . And right before entering the cab, she turned towards the house and waved to it, as if to say goodbye. He gulped. What if she was serious about settling somewhere else . He grew up here and planned to spend the rest of his #life here too. He fell asleep in the cab , but was still conscious of the busy street outside . The weather had been sunny for a few weeks though it was expected to be chilly and well, a bitter winter . The dock was crowded just like he expected it to be and smelled of fish . Tuna , sardine whatever they were called. Apparantely the clergy could never have enough fish since that new governor removed the tax on fishing . Well he literally opened it because the proceeds were used to thicken his pockets and not duly pay the workers. The grey fish soon turned away as a large shadow engulfed him. He turned around to see a ship closing in on him. "No!!!!!", he screamed as tried pedalling with his hands, away from the large wooden mass. The waves pushed him further and after a few shoves and jerks, turned the wooden board over, sending him in the water. He tried swimming downwards and was under the boat when it's passed over him, a loud roaring sound in his ears. It was bigger than the cruise ship and had more sharks swimming along her. He was soon out of air and started pushing upwards. Shoving the best he could , for he wasn't a good swimmer, he pushed his head out through the water and saw a smaller boat coming towards him , with a rope tied to the back deck of the ship. A man looked at him as the boat passed and put a loop of rope in around neck and tugged. Like he wasn't tired enough that now they were treaing him like a fish. Perhaps they thought he was a merman or something of the sort . He let himself slip into unconsciousness as they pulled him onto the boat. He hated fish. He squinted at the humongous silhouette of the cruise liner against the sharp sun. "fancy boats , fancy people, and oh.....", he lost tongue as his eyes followed the Bentley being loaded onto the ship. " Goodness stop staring at them dear", she snapped pushing him towards the plank connecting the dock to the deck of the ship. He smiled sheepishly and moved on. Once on board she excused herself as he leisured on the top deck , looking at the people waving at other...well people. They had informed only a handful of beings about there trip, so noone to wave at them. The horn was blown a few times before the ship finally took off. The deck jerked a little as it moved in deeper waters, sending a bunch of toddlers near him into giggles. "makes the stomach tickle doesn't it?", he said and smiled at them. The ship lurched again bit this time, it sent him sharing his breakfast with the dolphins as he grabbed the railing for support, that is if there were any of those cursed fish nearby. That's when he saw the waves for the first time... *************** This is from a writing duel that never took place because of my end semester exams. And also my first time writing something with a proper theme and setting. Constructive criticism is appreciated.

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