Late Night With My Dear Shiny Friend I was 12, my sister was asleep.. My ever dearer full#moonwas up awake shining. Calling me over to have a stroll, with him in the woods behind the back yard.. I Had to sneak out... with my woollen red scarf, On to the bank of that clear lazy river, Which ran into the jungle by the jasmine scented cliffs. Quack said the ducklings, as I was dragging- the tiny little boat, Away from the shore, with my skinny little arm. Off I go on the wooden little boat.. paddling along the lemon trees,. Sparkled are those ripples as I paddled through the breeze. My little friend was smiling.. shining on the sky. Humming my favourite song i went along with the geese. Cuckoos and buzzing bees, And Snoring little frogs... Glittering stars and moving clouds- joined the little boy- me. Moments have passed and minutes had died my shiny#moonwas still with me. Gold fishes waved and said goodbye for its now The time to sleep. The breezy wind then took me back.. near my little home where every one asleep. Hush said I, when the rabbits starred as I quietly tied my tiny little boat. Off I go sneaky me waving to my#moon from my tiny clear window . With silver lines, on my bed so white, the moonly friend , Then went off with a smile.