übersetzen   11 Jahre

Nobody Cares - Chapter 2 Oh great, first day back at school after two week's of 'freedom', i was covered in scratches and they killed. I knew I would get weird looks but nobody spoke to me so I would be spared the annoying questions. I would sit at the back of every class as usual staring out of the window, while vaguely listening to anything interesting the teacher said. I looked at my clock which said 060 exactly, sighed and figured I wouldn't be able to take a nap with out going into a deep sleep for about 4 hours and being late for school. I stretched out like a cat, then rolled into a ball making several parts of my body click, got up and went to have breakfast before brushing my teeth. I then went into my room to decide which articles of clothing in my wardrobe made me stand out the most, I didn't usually like standing out but I was in a bad mood and looking for a fight, not that I would actually get one but annoying people by being different worked just as well. I finally decided on a long sleeve black top that had luminous green ribbon crisscrossed down the sides and tied in an undoable bow (trust me I tried), a short sort of ballet skirt with luminous green ribbon weaved through at regular intervals and tied into bows on my right hand side and pure black knee high converse with yet more luminous green ribbon laced into them (I lost the actual shoelaces when I took them out to see how long they were). I got to school an hour early, so I went to the library to see if they had any more horror stories, they didn't, of course, so I took one of the old one and sat in a corner. The bell went and I walked to homeroom slowly, still managing to get there first. "Hello again, Meira. What happened to your face?" "Good morning, Miss, I fell out of a tree." I said simply walking to my seat and sitting down. I watched as my old classmate swarmed into the classroom staring at my wound but not having the guts to actually say anything. homeroom start's with a load of reminders about rules and crap, so I zone out and watch a squirrel make its way up a tree. " Now, as some of you may remember there will be a new student joining our class." What? I don't remember this. "His name is Christian Black and he has moved here from England." Right on cue there was a knock on the door and Christian walked in, I swear my jaw dropped he had longish, black hair that covered one eye, a lip peircing and he was wearing skinny jeans, converse, and a black hoodie with a skull on the back. I could see everyone staring at him with distaste, I looked back at him and saw he was looking at me, damn these luminous clothes. " Would you like to go and sit down, Christian?" Miss said, he looked around for an empty seat and naturally the only one was next to me. I sighed, looked out of the window and waited for the complaining but it never came. I heard the chair next to me move back and Christian sat down. I looked at him surprised, to find he was already looking at me, by now the class had started talking loudly, so it was safe to speak. "Hi, I'm Meira." I informed him "Christian." He said simply "So your from England?" "Yes." "What's it like there?" "Wet, cold, polluted." I couldn't think of anything else to say so I went back to staring out of the window. "You from around here?" I heard him ask cautiously. "Oh, uh, yh born and raised." "Cool, how did you get those cuts?" "Fell out of a tree." I said impulsivly. "Sure." He replied raising his eyebrows. "I did and it's none of your buisness anyway!" I stormed out of the classroom as the bell went. Why were people so nosy. Why did he care. He was cute though; a voice in the back of my head stated. Well yh he was but thats not the point. I got to my science class without a fight a slumped down behind my desk. I watched everyone else stream in and fill the seat, again leaving the space next to me. Then Christian walks in, so much for big exit. and of course is forced to sit next to me. Great.

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