Gandhi He fell with a ticket no one would honour He rose with a testament no one could ignore Freinds...greatness talked,spoken n written since independence... Our evergreen ...Father of our indpendent nation Mohandas karamchnd gandhi Dear friends and respected teachers. Today I have written this #poem in his honor. Which I present to you. A simple man born in porbandar Followed the rules of three bandars. He walked tall with a stick Gracefully draped in khadi. At thirteen kasturba by his side A pandit declared them man-and-wife. Kasturba and gandhi worked as a team To keep our Bharat clean. He practiced law in south Africa Led the British to Quit India He fought for India's independence With a weapon called ahimsa. He developed salt at Dandi, Made us quit Pardesi & buy Swadeshi Our great leader mahatma Gandhi ji Today, we remember him as Bapuji. Rise n awake....shake off the slavery, God is Truth and Truth is God, Devils bullets pearced his body , But could not touch his imortal soul. We all thank him for the independence he brought for India

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