God Knows If This Will Work- An Idea Opussia, I bring to you a concept which I cannot believe Struck me. For any of the highest brilliance to arrive, we need either conflict, pain, loneliness, numbness, or the most extreme form of happiness, one that brings tears. How does one liven up a community using these? A Chessboard, My idea is for each of us to choose a piece on the chessboard and mke or move. As Judge, I can announce who moves forward to battle whoch piece next, while the other piece must either resign or think up a way to rise from the ashes, with some legendary move. hashtag #gameofchess say aye if in and let the games begin...
The Raven
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The Raven
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The Raven
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Sarah εÑз
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Kathy Cumiskey
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The Raven
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Richard Withey
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