Translate   12 years ago

Connected To #life I'm 56 years old. I have a computer and a cell phone. A cell phone for emergencies, a computer for news and information. When I leave the office, I forget about email. I have a #life. Younger people look at me a snicker because I'm not "connected." I'm as connected as I choose to be. I can carry on a conversation without using the words "like" and "I'm all" and "you know what I'm sayin'?" and I care about what you have to say. If I don't, I'll respectfully listen without checking my cell phone or looking at emails. When my #life comes to an end, I won't care how many emails I've left unread, but I'll have seen some great sunsets and sunrises, met some extremely interesting people, rafted down a river in a place crafted by God named Yosemite, had romantic evenings with my wife, built memories with my children and hopefully...just hopefully left a legacy of fun and caring about mankind with my grandchildren. That's being connected to #life! - John Williamson, Fullerton, CA, USA,

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