Book Review: Good Omens This is one of my all-time favourite books. The book itself is all about the apocalypse, and various people; including an angel, a demon, a witch, a witch hunter, and the anti-christ himself; attempting to stop it. Now, one of the many things that I love about this book is the humour. Most of the jokes will make you laugh out loud on the spot, but some of them, however, take a bit longer to realise. You can read Good Omens a million times before spotting every single piece of humour that Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman have worked in there. Another thing that I love about this book is the characters. The two main characters, Crowley and Aziraphale, are just so #lifelike that they almost pop out of the book, looking to either snark at you or comfort you, respectively. The background characters are fantastic too, each with their own personality. Even Mr. R. P. Tyler, the neighbourhood grump, is fun and enjoyable to read about. But what will always leave the most lasting impression on me is the relationships between the characters. It's hard to describe without spoiling anything, but in the end, everything does work out great, of course, and nearly everyone gets their happily-ever-after. But even before then, you can see that the relationship between Aziraphale and Crowley is very close. The snarky banter, the drunken dialogue, and even when they fight all leads up to an unsurprising, but very satisfactory, friendship. It's not just Aziraphale and Crowley that are friends, though. The four horsemen (now motorcyclists) of the apocalypse have to learn to work together, Adam and his friends end up even closer than before, and even the grumpy old witch hunter gets a girlfriend, who is just as old but significantly less grumpy. In short, Good Omens is a piece of art, to be treasured and loved, to be brought with you on vacations time after time again. My copy is so well-loved, some might mistake it for a first-edition print, even though I've only had it for just a couple of years. So, rent it from your local library, or heck, even buy a copy, just read the damn thing! And if you've already read it and are looking for more, I highly reccomend this fanfiction, Manchester Lost, and its sequal, Paradise Thwarted by Moczo.
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