Tradurre   11 anni fa

What Did I Do To You Hello. You think you know me? You think its your job to make my #life hell? Really? Oh you do .... Do you. You know my name, Not my brain. You know my age, Not what I like, eat, enjoy, laugh at, cry at or find strange. You call me weird, different, a freak. Or is it my attention you really seek. I tired to fit in, i really truthfully do. To be how people wanted me too. To understand make up, gossip and dating. Not just not caring, laughing and stating. I am not like you don't you see. That maybe I am what I am suppose to be. I know I'm not perfect, I look in the mirror. I see my face, my eyes, my mouth, my nose and my ears. I see that I am not what you think. But to your level I refuse to sink. You think because I'm not on your level, That I am automatically below you. You and your crew. Well maybe you are not on mine. I am old enough to understand that not everyone is kind. But at least I can say I tried. To be nice to all no matter how big the knife that they stick in my back. No matter their background or history. Maybe their own mystery. But at least I can say that I tried. I may sound bitchy but all I want to know. Is why you bully, tease and are plainly cruel to me. And what I did to you. That made you hate me so.

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