Cold Chapter 1 It was a cold day here in Florida which is really only 56 degrees. I was on my way to work when I saw this peculiar looking sight. There was a man in a dark, black sweater holding a ginormous purple lace bag filled with what looked like money. Now here in this town, a lot of people have dough to spend but no one carries it in a large bag slung over their shoulder. Being the curious girl I am, I asked about it. "Excuse me sir?" "What do you want?!," he said. The figure turned around and looked me dead in the eye. He then had a face full of sorrow. "S-s-sorry, I didn't mean to yell," the man said. He was a tall person, young I can tell you that right now. Maybe even 18. He had brown hair from the looks of it and the prettiest blue eyes that sparkled like a morning glory. "It's fine. I was actually going to ask you about that sack you've got there. If it's money you've got no reason to hide it." "Oh, um, well, you see, I um....bye!" "Wait! You have to answer the question," I said. "I have to?" "Yep," I said popping the p. "Well...I'm sorry," he said. "Wha-," and before I could finish he put a bandana around my eyes and mouth and dragged me to an unknown destination. I muffled a scream here and there but it was useless, no one could hear me. I knew he was trouble but being the cat I am I just had to get killed. Finally, he took the cloth away from my face. There was a long pause in which I took my time to dig my eyes into his skull. Then I,.... "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!" The loudest scream I have ever done and probably will ever do. "Why did you kidnap me?!?!" "I didn't kidnap you. I gave you a very enthusiastic hug in which I then ran with delight hoping I wouldn't get caught." "That's kidnapping!" "Oh, well in that case I very much did 'kidnap' you," he said then smiled. "Why are you smiling?!?!?!" "Oh, you're so pretty. If only you remembered," he said reaching to pet my hair but I slapped his hand. "What's your name?" "Christian Burgos." "Why did you tell me your name if you know I'm going to tell the cops when I report you?," I said pondering. "Oh, you won't do that," he started then came close to me, " it'll be too late." Chapter 2 "Oh the delight of having you here, Annabelle Foley," I said with a Cheshire Cat grin. "How do you know my name?," she said with fear in her voice. I went really close to her face. "You don't remember, do you? How I used to be your friend, your mate, your admirer. But you don't remember. Not a bell rings in your head when you hear the name 'Christian Burgos'. Huh?" "No, I'm sorry. I've never met you. You are a stranger and mean nothing to me. Well, except for fear." This is what I was scared of. I remember how in middle school we were best friends, as thick as thieves. I had the biggest crush on her. One day, she met this boy named Brady Reed and she was mesmerized. Ever since, she hasn't talked to me. "You should get some sleep. You've had a rough day." "You think?!?!?! But it's because of you so don't blame it on me," she said as I walked out of the dark, dusty basement. Chapter 3 (The next day) Christians POV I opened my eyes to bright sunshine and birds chirping. I then remembered I had a beauty in my basement. I ran downstairs to check on her. I opened the broken, wooden door slowly and saw no one. My first instinct was to run. I looked all around the house- the windows, doors, yards-to find Annabelle. I saw a window open with feet hanging out of it. I grabbed the pair of feet and pulled. She grunted because of her fail at escape. "Why can't you just let me go," she said hyperventilating. "Because..." "Because...what?" "Never mind that, just don't escape again. Or I'll...I'll.." "You'll what?" I was at the door and to avoid the question I walked out, slamming the door behind me. "You'll wh door. "Because

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