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Consumerism That magic feeling when a plastic card is swiped, and approved - those shoes are now yours; Inhale the smell, marvel at the soft suede and the perfectly toned colours. For you know own the same pair of shoes as thousands of others across the globe. You may be an individual but you have been swallowed by the masses into the depths that are consumerism. You stand in front of family and friends exclaiming "I condemn the exploitation of those working in China, India - they have human rights too!!" But look at yourself in your trendy tracksuit bottoms, branded with a tick or three stripes, your feet comfortably in trainers with a similar brand also- and what are you? A joke. A mere blink in existence, a star that fades. Unnoticed. It is those who go against all those who walk talk and act the same. Think different. Be different and show the world that you are the magnificent skyline, the blue#moonor that one star that shines eternally.

  • Aimer
  • Amour
  • HaHa
  • Sensationnel
  • Triste
  • En colère