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Just. Have. Fun. Chapter 2 CHAPTER TWO "C'mon Vanessa. I promise I'll take you and Jessica-" "It's Jasmine," "Yeah, okay. I promise to take you and Jasmine to get coffee next week. It's just too busy!" Sheila complains. "But next week is the Fourth of July! It's supposed to be 96 degrees out!" I say, making sure I'm right by checking my iPod touch. "Vanessa! I have a brilliant idea! It's a surprise though!!" She says, picking up her Coach purse. "Pizza's in the fridge, Tom and Jerry is on the coffee table, and I bought cheese sticks. I'll be home around four with your father. Bye darling!" Sheila closes the apartment door and heads off to work. For the mean time, the twins are asleep and so I can watch some TV. I text Jasmine to tell her the news about this and next week. I turn on the TV and decide that I should probably check on Mel sometime. Her therapist doesn't come until five and she'll need her pills and nap. I'm just about to watch a re-run of Rachael Ray when Lionel comes in, all sweaty. "Lionel! What happened to you? You're blazing hot!" I say, feeling worried. I take his temperature and its 103.2! Wow! I give him Tylenol and tell him to put a tank top and shorts on. I lie him on the couch. He decides that watching Tom and Jerry will help. I put in the show and take a nap. I wake up to hearing the fridge open. I walk to the kitchen and find Lily in the ice cream! Ugh! "LILY! Get out of the ice cream!!" I yell, trying to be quiet in my rage. I decided that I should paint Lily's nails or curl her hair. "Lily, I have a good idea!" She puts the ice cream back excitedly. "Oo! what is it?" *********** Later, Sheila gets home with Dad and goes straight to Lionel, whose fever is now gone. I spent my afternoon curling Lily's hair and playing dress up. Fun right? False. Dad had a business call, and Lily went to the neighbors house. So, I went to my room. I was painting my toes hot pink when somebody knocked on my door. "Come in!" I yelled, not thinking about my father on the phone. Sheila walked in my room, closing the pale white door behind her. "Would you like to go to the water park with your father, the kids, and me tomorrow? You can take Jasmine with you." Sheila sits on my bottom bunk bed. I had to think about this. "I guess," I said, standing up from my zebra chair. Then, my brain had an idea. "Can Jasmine come spend the night?" I ask. "Well, why not? Sure." Sheila goes out of my room while I call up Jasmine. "Jazz, can you come spend the night then go to a water park with us tomorrow?" I ask, as soon as she picks up. "Sure. My parents are gonna be gone all week." Jasmine says, popping a piece of gum. "Okay. Come over in like, half an hour. We'll eat dinner at like six, then we can rent movies." I say, then we hang up.

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