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Forever CHAPTER 1 It was long ago... Juliet looked out her window as she realized this was the day where her new tenants would come. Her blue-green eyes were tired from last nights unrestful sleep. It had been a year since her husband Thomas had died in a carriage accident. He was thirty nine when he died while she who had just reached twenty was already a widow. Ever since his death she had slept in her room and was wakened when a scratching noise would begin to be heard. She at first thought it was rodents but when she checked there was none to be found. She then thought it was the house but when the house was checked thoroughly there was nothing wrong. Yet the scratching noises still kept on. Her sleep was always disturbed and it came to the point that she was physically and emotionally drained. This was when, in the four months since her husbands death that she decided that she had to stop laying around and do something with her #life. She was young and still beautiful. She had never known her husband nor was she able too. She had met him during work, she a maid in a mansion and he a driver the master and mistress. Her mistress introduce and her and they got married fairly quickly. The only thing they knew about each other was their names. After the wedding about a month after he passed away in the accident. She cried but not for him but for herself. She was twenty and already a widow. A month after she wore her mourning clothes yet she didn't feel like she felt she belonged with the another women that husbands had already passed. She hardly went to sewing circles and when she did they always whispered hurtful things about her. When the financial situation rose up she decided it was time to look for some support so she posted wanted tenant ads on the paper hoping that someone would come and give her the company and support she longed for. It was a week before the new tenants would come that she received applicants but the one that caught her eyes the most was three people who had quite honest reputations. One was a private detective named John Jones. The other was an artist named Henry Stone and the last was a doctor named Clifton Williams. The house could take in three more people if needed and the more the merrier. CHAPTER 2 Juliet got ready to greet her tenants. She combed her long silky brown hair and put on light make up. She put on her black dress and waited in the parlor. It was ten o'clock when her first tenant arrive. It was Jon Jones, the private detective. He was quite handsome. He had hazel eyes and chestnut short hair. His body seemed quite strong while his face seemed quite intelligent. Juliet was greeted and he kissed her gloved hand. She smiled warmly and asked him to join her in the parlor when the other two guests came in. It was the artist Henry Stone and the doctor Clifton Williams. Juliet welcomed them and had them sit in the parlor. She asked them if there was anything they would like to drink. They all shook their heads and so she sat down. John Jones began,"Miss Juliet I must say the house looks even more splendid then in the picture." Juliet smiled and said, "Thank you Mister Jones. I'm glad that the house pleases you. It's quite an antique. It was passed down from my husbands great-grandfather." Henry said, "I think as an artists perspective that the house has quite an architecture. I couldn't help feel the walls as I came and they felt a little hallow. Is it possible that there are some caverns or passages inside the house?" Juliet nodded and answered, "Your absolutely correct. My husbands grandfather was an architect for some of the famous mansions that stand today. He created passages and hidden rooms for the owners in cases of burglars or invasions. He found it to be quite a hobby. I'm surprised though you knew." John laughed and said,"It's not quite surprising though. I knew even by the look of the house. I did some research and such on other houses and yours had the same structure. Of course any simpleton who pass by would look at its structure and say the same thing just by the first mansions you husbands grandfather made." Henry grunted and looked at Juliet and asked her, "Which reminds me, where is you husband madam? Juliet looked down as she always did when people asked her that. She became silent and just waited. Clifton seeing her reaction looked at Henry with angry grey eyes and said,"You idiot her husband probably left her. Probably didn't want to be with such a beautiful woman like her." Juliet began to feel warm tears well up in her eyes and was about to say something when John said, "You're both idiots. Her husband is deceased. Even you could not notice the mourning clothes she is wearing." Henry and Clifton looked at each other and apologized for the

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